
	 An Appraisal of the Right of Persons with Hearing Impairment to Information Through the Media In Nigeria

An Appraisal of the Right of Persons with Hearing Impairment to Information Through the Media In Nigeria

Information is the key to sustaining a healthy living in every society. To underscore the importance of this, several international treaties have made provisions for the protection rights of the masses to information.

The Nigerian law is not left out. In the year 2011, the freedom of information Act was signed into law, thereby making imperative the accessibility of vital information to the Nigerian citizen.Thus,as a citizen,it is your right to certain relevant information especially the kind that directly or indirectly affects you.

In the same vain, as human, we are born with our distinctiveness and peculiarities. Some also acquire certain peculiarities along the line and thus require different special attentions and care. Persons who cannot readily access information through the conventional means of seeing and hearing are provided with aides like sign languages for the deaf and the dumb, and other techniques for other disabilities. 

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