ISSN: 2971-6276
Library: Newsletters
Year: 2024
File: Vol. 45 Oct - Dec 2024

 This edition of our Quarterly Newsletter includes an abridged version of the lecture delivered by Chief Joe-Kyari Gadzama, SAN, on a paper presented at the One Year Anniversary of Legislative Assembly News, the Theme of which was “Commemorating Milestones for Effective Legislation in Nation Building.” 

We have a range of exciting and informative features that are sure to captivate our readers. Our Sights and Scenes section brings you the latest happenings from within and outside our firm. Our Photo Speak section brings you a visual narrative of some of our recent events, while our Legal Humor section is guaranteed to put a smile on your face. We also have exciting news from the firm, including updates on our upcoming events and a profile of our staff members who work tirelessly to provide our clients with the highest quality legal services. As always, we are committed to providing quality and informative content that educates and entertains our readers. We hope you enjoy reading this edition of our Quarterly Newsletter.  

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