
Mondaq - Comparative Guide: International Arbitration - Nigeria

Mondaq - Comparative Guide: International Arbitration - Nigeria

We are pleased to announce that our Madu Gadzama and Olasunkanmi E. Oluwabiyi Esq., recently contributed to the International Arbitration in Nigeria guide published by MONDAQ.

To have access to the guide, kindly click on the link below: 

A Review of the Central Bank of Nigeria's Guidelines on Global Standings Instructions (GSI)

A Review of the Central Bank of Nigeria's Guidelines on Global Standings Instructions (GSI)

The Central Bank of Nigeria on the 14th of July,2020, released a new batch of guidelines to facilitate an improved credit repayment system, reduce nonperforming loans, and take action against loan defaulters.

	 An Appraisal of the Right of Persons with Hearing Impairment to Information Through the Media In Nigeria

An Appraisal of the Right of Persons with Hearing Impairment to Information Through the Media In Nigeria

Information is the key to sustaining a healthy living in every society. To underscore the importance of this, several international treaties have made provisions for the protection rights of the masses to information.

Nigerian Maritime Administration Agency (NIMASA) Guidance Notice for Covid-19

Nigerian Maritime Administration Agency (NIMASA) Guidance Notice for Covid-19

There is every need to religiously and dutifully enforce the letters and spirit of the Nigerian Maritime Administration Agency's (NIMASA) Guidance Notice for COVID-19 and review it from time to time.

Nigerian Maritime Administration Agency (NIMASA) Extends Certificate Validity for Seafarers

Nigerian Maritime Administration Agency (NIMASA) Extends Certificate Validity for Seafarers

he Nigerian Maritime Administration Agency (NIMASA) issued a notice extending the validity of Statutory and Trading Certificates for all Nigerian Registered vessels including the Standards of Training Certification and Watch-Keeping (STCW), to all Ship Owners, Shipping Agents, Operators, Masters, Seafarers, Flag States, Port States, Recognized Organizations and the Public,as a result of COVID-19.

Marginal Fields Regime in Nigeria

Marginal Fields Regime in Nigeria

The Federal Government of Nigeria has in recent times been committed to the exploration of idle oilfields in the country to generate the much needed internally generated revenue (IGR) to finance the government's ever increasing expenditures and to promote indigenous participation in the oil and gas sector.

DPR Grants Two (2) Weeks Extension For The 2020 Marginal Oilfields Bid

DPR Grants Two (2) Weeks Extension For The 2020 Marginal Oilfields Bid

The Federal Government of Nigeria, through the Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) in order to accommodate more prospective bidders for the marginal oilfields, has extended the bids
by two (2) weeks.

Federal Inland Revenue Servic (FIRS) Resumes Field Audit, Investigation and Monitoring

Federal Inland Revenue Servic (FIRS) Resumes Field Audit, Investigation and Monitoring

The FIRS in a bid to raise the needed revenue to assist government in the administration of the country, and in view, of the drastic effect of the COVID-19 in the economy has issued a Public Notice, which staes that it will resume audit, investigations and monitoring exercises that it had suspended on April 6,2020.

Extension of Deadline on Penalty and Interest Waiver

Extension of Deadline on Penalty and Interest Waiver

The Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) has extended the deadline on the waiver of penalty and interest for taxpayers as part of its series of palliative measures to cushion the effects of COVID-19 on businesses and the economy in general.

Foreign/Non-Resident Companies and the Companies Income Tax (Significant Economic Presenc) Order, 2020

Foreign/Non-Resident Companies and the Companies Income Tax (Significant Economic Presenc) Order, 2020

The President of Nigeria assented to the Finance Bill (now Finance Act) on January 13, 2020, and it hugely altered and impacted some provisions of the Companies Income Tax Act (CITA) amongst

120 Days of the Full Implementation of the Standards of Organization of Nigeria (SON) Notice on Product Authentication Mark (PAM) on Imported Goods

120 Days of the Full Implementation of the Standards of Organization of Nigeria (SON) Notice on Product Authentication Mark (PAM) on Imported Goods

  The Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON) earlier planned to begin the implementation of new regulations relating to the usage of Product Authentication Mark (PAM) on February 2, 2018, with a two month transition period culminating in March 31,2020,but it did not take effect.

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