
Covid-19 Pandemic and The Plausibility of A Legal Action Against The People's Republic Of China: A Fruitless Venture?

Covid-19 Pandemic and The Plausibility of A Legal Action Against The People's Republic Of China: A Fruitless Venture?

Coronavirus (COVID-19) has virtually brought the entire world, as we know it, to its knees under a lockdown or high restriction of movement of persons. The World Health Organization (WHO) has since labelled the COVID-19 a worldwide pandemic – a description only ascribed to the world's worst health emergencies.

So far, more than 2 million people across the continents have been infected with the virus, with this number on the rise everyday. An estimate suggests that about 124,000 persons have died from the virus, with the figure, increasing daily, and with 456, 737 persons recovering from the deadly pandemic. The United States currently has the largest number of infected persons, with about 21,000 deaths surpassing Italy, Spain, China and South Korea as the worst hit country in the world.

While the pandemic continues to sweep across the globe, little solace can be taken from the reports that the mortality rate is still at less than 10%. This is an encouraging sign, with a good number of infected persons reported to be responding well to treatment. The search for a cure as well as a vaccine has also been intense with different labs undergoing scientific, clinical testing and research geared at scientifically discovering drugs that would be approved for public consumption by the relevant agencies/organisations. It is hopeful that, at the twilight of the year, a solution to the rampaging pandemic would have been discovered.

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